Get to Know the Adorably Hairy “Werewolf Cat” with Hypertrichosis That Won the Hearts of a Pet Groomer!

When Nathalie Côté was employed as a pet groomer at a local veterinarian clinic in Repentigny, Québec, Canada, she had an interesting encounter with a Persian kitten named Atchoum. Atchoum was born with hypertrichosis, a genetic disorder commonly known as “werewolf syndrome” in humans. As a result of this condition, Atchoum had a variety of characteristics associated with it, including excessive and continuous hair growth, porous teeth, and deformed claws. According to Nathalie, Atchoum’s claws were enlarged, irregular, and incapable of retracting, requiring the vet to declaw him to prevent any pain or discomfort to the kitten. The kitten’s name is derived from its constant sneezing, with “achoo” being the French translation.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

The adorable Atchoum, born on May 10, 2014, underwent a procedure to remove his deformed claws when he was just eight weeks old. As his veterinarian owner had to leave him at the animal hospital to recover from the surgery during a holiday weekend, Nathalie, who worked there, took him home to look after him. Soon enough, Nathalie fell in love with Atchoum, and the rest is history.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Nathalie was a cat lover and had rescued three cats in the past. However, her connection with Atchoum was different from any other kitty she had ever known. When Nathalie returned to work after meeting Atchoum, she couldn’t stop thinking about him and felt an unexplainable bond with the kitten. Nathalie even had tears in her eyes while talking to her vet friend about adopting Atchoum. To her surprise, the vet agreed, and Atchoum became a part of the Côté family in July 2014.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Nathalie has been Atchoum’s owner for over three years now and during this time, she has gained extensive knowledge about hypertrichosis. This hormonal condition can have a detrimental impact on cats, and Nathalie is aware of the struggles Atchoum deals with due to this disorder. She clarifies that Atchoum is not a unique breed of cat but rather has a congenital hormonal condition that can lead to various medical issues.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Atchoum, a popular cat on Instagram, is unique because he has hypertrichosis, a rare condition that causes excessive hair growth. Interestingly, all his siblings also have varying degrees of this condition, but unfortunately, two of them passed away due to related heart problems. As a precautionary measure, Atchoum’s mom and a team of veterinarians keep a close eye on him to ensure he lives a healthy and happy life.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Atchoum, the unique cat with hypertrichosis, requires regular dental check-ups due to his susceptibility to dental issues. His porous teeth tend to accumulate dirt quickly, resulting in several descalings at the vet. Apart from his dental care, Atchoum’s fluffy coat demands a lot of maintenance, and he is fortunate to have a mom with over 20 years of experience in animal grooming.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Nathalie’s adorable Persian cat, Atchoum, has become quite popular on Instagram due to his unique, fluffy appearance. Despite what some may assume, Nathalie has discovered that it’s best to avoid using scissors or clippers to get rid of excess hair. Instead, she has found that combing Atchoum’s coat multiple times a day is the key to preventing matting. Nathalie believes that excessive cutting or shaving would alter Atchoum’s unique hair texture, so she prefers to leave it in its natural state.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Luckily, Atchoum is a big fan of grooming and his owner Nathalie, who used to work as a professional groomer, now has ample time to brush him at least five or six times a day. Atchoum, a beautiful Persian cat, captured Nathalie’s affection almost four years ago, and he is most content when he is with his owner. This makes it simple for Nathalie to monitor Atchoum’s well-being closely.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Nathalie shared that her furry friend Atchoum is very attached to her. He never leaves her side and is always following her around. Atchoum enjoys gazing out of the window, watching birds and squirrels play in the suburbs of Montreal. Nathalie even set up bird feeders to keep him and his siblings entertained when they are not by her side.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

Atchoum, the Persian cat with a rare condition, is currently living a happy and vibrant life according to his owner Nathalie. However, the uncertainty surrounding his health in the future cannot be ignored given the uniqueness of his case. Despite this, Atchoum is fortunate to have an owner who loves and cares for him deeply, possessing the necessary skills and resources to provide him with the best possible life.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

The reason for the strong connection between Atchoum and Nathalie is unknown, but it has become stronger as time passed. It’s as if they were meant to be together. Nathalie describes Atchoum as a happy, playful, and joyous cat who is her one true feline love.

atchoum werewolf cat hypertrichosis

If you want to know more about this extraordinary feline, you can keep up with Atchoum on Instagram or check out his website. The cat has gained quite a following online and it’s easy to see why: he’s definitely unique!

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