Heartbreaking Case of Stray Dog with Severe Head and Neck Condition

The majority of dog owners purchase collars for their furry friends. These collars serve a couple of purposes, such as using them when taking our dogs out for walks or attaching a name tag to the collar, just in case our beloved pets wander off and get lost.

As your furry friend grows up, you’ll need to replace their collar with a bigger one. This is because their neck will become larger and the original collar may end up being too snug for comfort.

When Nancy was under her old owners’ care, they did give her a collar. However, it wasn’t a proper one as they just used a piece of string and never removed it. This careless act could have resulted in Nancy’s death due to suffocation.

Before it happened, the thread had made her skull swell. Luckily, Nancy was discovered by the compassionate folks at Animal Help Unlimited, located in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. A furniture store owner ensures that homeless dogs have a cozy place to slumber.

An adorable sleeping dog has captured the hearts of over a million people as he let a group of young goats use him for jumping exercises. After being rescued and brought back to the sanctuary, the string that was tied around the dog was removed, and he is now on the road to recovery. Nancy, the pooch, is now happy and grateful for being freed from the string. Share this heartwarming story with others!

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