A New Lease on Life for a Paralyzed Pooch Trapped in a Sewage Pipe

Being a part of animal rescue can be an emotionally challenging experience, as you never know what obstacles await you. However, the satisfaction of nursing an almost lifeless canine and witnessing its transformation is priceless. Recently, Animal Aid Unlimited in India were notified about a dog stranded in a sewage drain which urged them to take immediate action.

Animal Aid Unlimited, India, recently posted a video on YouTube about their latest rescue operation. The team discovered a distressed dog sitting motionless in cold sewage water. After lifting the canine from the drain, they observed that he had no apparent physical injuries. However, the rescuers soon realized that Hopper, as they named him, couldn’t stand on his hind legs.

The video from Animal Aid Unlimited, India shows a dog with a spinal injury. The team at Animal Aid noticed that the dog’s hind legs were not responding and he was unable to stand on his own. This is a common problem with spinal injuries in dogs and can be very difficult to treat. Despite this, there are occasional stories of dogs recovering and relearning to walk.

The rescue team expressed their concern about the severity of Hopper’s spinal injuries and the lack of sensation in his toes. However, they decided to give him a chance and started his bedrest and physical therapy with the hope that he would regain movement and sensation in his legs. It took several weeks of hard work and daily therapy sessions before Hopper could stand again. However, to everyone’s surprise, Hopper not only regained the ability to stand but also learned how to run and play once more!

Animal Aid Unlimited welcomed a canine friend, who still has some paralysis in his hind legs, to their sanctuary. This way, he can enjoy a life free from the dangers of living on the streets. Check out the incredible rescue and rehabilitation of this pooch in the video clip provided by Animal Aid Unlimited on YouTube.

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