A Remarkable Canine: Defying the Odds with Unusual Anatomy

It’s rare to come across a pup quite like Cooper in this world. The American foxhound was born on a farm with an unusual feature – he didn’t have a neck! This unexpected pup was not expected to survive, as some of his vertebrae were compressed and fused together before he was even born.

Despite being two years old, Cooper’s unique condition hasn’t stopped him from living life to the fullest, even if it means he has to twist his body to see behind him.
Rescued in 2017 from a pet mill in Halifax, Virginia, when he was just a two-month-old puppy, Cooper was brought to Secondhand Hounds in Minnetonka.

The officers who rescued Cooper believed he may have been abandoned because of his unique condition. He faced challenges when walking for long periods and had difficulty defecating with his hind end positioned higher up his back. When SecondhandHounds took Cooper in, they knew they had their work cut out for them.

Cooper received treatment for ear mites, worms, and a hernia. He even required surgery to help with his bowel movements. To make matters worse, his first placement did not go well as he couldn’t resist chasing the family’s cats.

Thankfully, a better option came along for Cooper.

Elly and Andy Keegan, proud parents of Skylar, Tuva, and Waylon, have proven to be the perfect fit for their special needs dog, Cooper. Elly mentioned, “Thanks to Secondhand Hounds and our loving home, Cooper has thrived despite some setbacks. A few months back, he had a fall resulting in a neck fracture in five places.”

With the help of daily antibiotics, Cooper’s infection-free spine allows him to use the bathroom independently and enjoy his freedom to the fullest. Despite his unawareness, Cooper has gained a following on social media, becoming a small sensation online.

“It’s tough because he can’t go for long walks and can’t spend a lot of time on hard surfaces,” Elly explained. “He needs to be on soft ground like grass or carpet. But despite it all, he’s still the happiest dog around.”

Cooper’s condition may have been caused by inbreeding, leading to him being abandoned when he was considered unfit for sale. However, he has turned out to be nothing short of amazing to his new family and to everyone else who has heard his story.

“Cooper is a testament to the fact that dogs with disabilities have so much love to give and can make wonderful pets,” said Teri Woolard, owner surrender coordinator at Secondhand Hounds. “We are thrilled to have been a part of his journey.”

Just like Cooper, this Great Dane also defied the odds and came out on top.

Meet Cooper, a unique and special dog who is extremely loyal to his forever family. Watch the video below to see just how amazing this “compact in size, huge in love” pup truly is!

10 Common Dog Health Issues to Be Aware Of
While certain health problems may be more common in specific dog breeds, there are several issues that can affect any dog. Here are 10 prevalent health conditions that every dog owner should keep an eye out for in their furry best friend:

1. Skin Problems
Itching, rashes, redness, dry skin, lumps, bumps, sores, dandruff, and hair loss are all signs that your dog may be dealing with a skin condition.

2. Ear Diseases
Approximately 20% of dogs suffer from ear diseases, especially those with floppy ears like cocker spaniels and basset hounds. Symptoms may include wax buildup, discharge, pain, itchiness, redness, swelling, and crusting.

3. Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections can lead to discomfort when passing urine. Look out for increased water consumption, frequent urination, small amounts of urine, loss of bladder control, blood in urine, or strong odor.

4. Vomiting
Vomiting can have various causes, and persistent episodes or vomiting with other symptoms like diarrhea or lethargy should prompt a visit to the vet.

5. Diarrhea
Recurring diarrhea can lead to dehydration and may indicate underlying health issues.

6. Parasites
Internal or external parasites can cause discomfort for your pet, with symptoms varying based on the type of parasite, severity of infestation, and location.

7. Dental Problems
Dogs can also suffer from dental diseases due to plaque buildup, leading to symptoms like difficulty eating, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and bad breath.

8. Obesity
Many dogs are overweight due to factors like age, genetics, lack of exercise, and overfeeding.

9. Arthritis
Joint problems like arthritis can impact your dog’s mobility, so watch out for signs like limping, reluctance to move, licking/chewing on joints, and behavioral changes.

10. Poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning range from vomiting to respiratory difficulties, seizures, or coma. Common toxins include human foods, medications, household cleaners, pesticides, and certain plants. Keep these potential health issues in mind to ensure your dog stays healthy and happy.

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