A Tiny Fire-Scarred Pup Discovers Renewed Hope and Recovery with a New Companion

When Pixie Princess ran away from her so-called ‘home’ and wandered into a stranger’s yard, she was barely recognizable as a pitbull puppy. Her fur was completely gone, and her tiny body was riddled with painful sores and scabs.

The worried dog parent wasted no time in contacting animal control to rescue a five-week-old stray dog in desperate need of medical attention, believing that the pup had been burnt. Thankfully, examination by the veterinarians revealed that Pixie had not suffered burns, which was a relief. However, it was disheartening to learn that her so-called caretakers had neglected her care. The cause of Pixie’s condition was identified as a severe case of demodex mange, explaining her hair loss and the scabs covering her body.

She couldn’t stop scratching herself like crazy because the mite infestation was causing her to itch like mad. LifeLine Animal Project decided to place the adorable 4-pound puppy with experienced foster mom Daphne Bragg, who was more than ready to shower Pixie with all the love and kisses that a growing puppy needs. “When I laid eyes on her, I knew she was coming home with me!” “And once she was with me, she never left my side.” The first thing on the agenda was to treat Pixie’s mange, which meant giving her lots of medicinal baths. Daphne’s bathtub went from a plain old plastic container to a fancy kitchen sink once Pixie moved in with her!

After bringing Pixie home, she was so tiny that she had to have her baths in my kitchen sink. As her scabs and sores started to heal, Pixie began to look even more bald than before, but I knew this was just part of her healing journey. At five to six weeks old, Pixie was so small that she had to learn how to be the best pup from a real dog mom. She needed to pick up social skills from other dogs, and she formed a special bond with my dog Elliot.

Elliot also had a rough beginning just like Pixie. He was a stray when he was rescued, but when Daphne brought him home, her other dogs welcomed him with open paws. They showed him the ropes and helped him become a part of the pack. Now, Elliot is ready to pay it forward and help Pixie adjust to her new life. “They were so kind and patient with him, making him feel right at home. Now, he’s one of the big dogs, ready to help Pixie find her place in the pack.”

Elliot and Pixie were the ultimate duo, always by each other’s side! They would frolic together, and Pixie picked up some important doggie social skills from him that no human could ever teach her. “I’m not sure if he remembers his puppy days, but he really stepped into the role that the older dogs had when he joined the pack.” As Pixie’s playful side began to shine through, she showered love on Elliot, in addition to all the boundless puppy energy she possessed.

“She exuded a lively puppy-like energy, they were inseparable.” “She was as playful and fluffy as a peach-fuzz puppy.” Pixie bounced back swiftly with the abundant love and care she was showered with, noticeable changes in her appearance became evident as new hairs began to sprout rapidly. From that moment on, the hidden beauty of her ginger hair was no longer a secret, finally revealed to all.

“We could see from the start that she was destined to have a fiery red mane.” “She’s just the ideal pup.” Daphne and Elliot lovingly looked after Pixie for approximately 6 weeks until she was ready to be adopted into her forever home, and it wasn’t long before the spirited little redhead was welcomed into a caring family!

“She was definitely a tough one to let go of. However, seeing her transformation makes the experience of fostering all the more rewarding.” Don’t forget to pass this along to your loved ones and acquaintances.

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