“Chained and Stricken: A Heartbreaking Sight of a Dog Battling Oral Cancer”

Fundraising has become a trend nowadays, with many people resorting to platforms like GoFundMe to commemorate milestones or achieve their desires. One furry girl has caught everyone’s attention and sparked a massive surge of support aimed at saving her precious life.


Meet this adorable mixed-breed dog, who found a savior in Causes for Animals – a charitable organization based in Singapore that caters to the needs of animals without shelter or protection. The organization rose to the occasion when they found out that the dog was in desperate need of urgent medical attention. Mandai, as the dog is called, had initially become a beneficiary of the organization’s street dog sterilization program, which provides free sterilization, food, and medical care to stray dogs. However, due to her complicated health condition, the organization took an extra step to ensure that she received proper medical attention. It was a race against time, but thankfully, with the timely intervention of Causes for Animals, Mandai is now on the road to recovery.


Mandai Mama had a small protrusion on her snout that had become so big that it hindered her ability to eat and drink properly. This made her everyday tasks quite challenging, and her health was also at risk. Her eyes displayed immense pain and distress. To address this issue, the group decided to take Mandai Mama to the Animal World Veterinary clinic for a thorough examination. After several tests, the vets were able to identify the root of her problem.


Causes for Animals recently helped rescue a dog, and as a way to raise funds for her medical care, they posted a request for help on their Facebook page. Unfortunately, on April 16th, they shared the upsetting news that the tumor found in the dog was aggressive and had spread, making it impossible to operate. The organization will now provide only palliative care to comfort her in her time of need.


Despite the fact that Mandai’s surgery cannot be carried out, she still requires financial assistance to cover her costly care. However, the good news is that Mandai, who was previously weak when she was rescued, is now doing much better under the care of the Gentle Paws shelter, which caters to retired pets. It’s important for everyone to continue supporting Mandai during this time.


As Mandai approaches her last days, her loved ones strive to provide her with the best possible quality of life. Even though the future remains unknown, they are determined to continue the battle against cancer and seek our assistance in doing so.


You can visit the organization’s website and help prevent the furry friend’s life from being cut short by this terrible illness if you’re interested in working with dogs.

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