“Raylene’s Wake-Up Call: A Kangaroo Attack on Morning Walk Sends Shockwaves Through the Pet Community”

Raylene Main, a distressed dog owner, is speaking up to caution Australians about the risks posed by kangaroos following a brutal attack that led to the death of one of her boxers. The heartbroken 72-year-old was taking her dogs Lenny and Logan for a walk near the estuary in Port Noarlunga, a serene coastal town located 30km south of Adelaide, just before Christmas. However, what was usually a peaceful morning stroll quickly turned tragic when the off-leash pair spotted some kangaroos in the Onkaparinga River reserve and went to investigate. While Lenny returned safely, two-year-old Logan unfortunately wandered too close to the riverbank and tragically never returned. Ms. Main recounted the heartbreaking incident to The Advertiser.

During her leisurely stroll, Raylene Main had a delightful surprise when her two furry companions, Logan and Lenny, crossed paths with a group of kangaroos.

Raylene Main (pictured) is warning dog-owners to watch out for their pets when around kangaroos

Raylene Main is advising dog owners to be cautious when their pets are near kangaroos. After her two-year-old dog went missing, she searched tirelessly with the help of a friend using drones. Eventually, her friend found the dog in the water nearly 10 hours later, drowned by a kangaroo. This unfortunate incident was unexpected, as she had initially feared the dog had been attacked. Ms. Main has since learned of three other dogs similarly drowned by kangaroos in the area over recent years. She believes that kangaroos are encroaching on developed areas due to suburban expansion, leading to more encounters with them. She is now reminding pet owners to be vigilant when their dogs are near kangaroos. A few months earlier, a video posted on TikTok showed a man rescuing his dog from a kangaroo trying to drown it in a river in Victoria. The man successfully saved his pet, and both returned to safety unharmed.

A Tik Tok video posted a couple of months before Logan was killed, showed a man saving his dog from a kangaroo who was drowning it

There was a viral TikTok video circulating a few months prior to Logan’s tragic death, showcasing a man bravely rescuing his dog from a kangaroo’s grasp in a water incident.

Two-year-old Logan was drowned pictured) by a kangaroo on his morning walk

A kangaroo tragically caused the drowning of two-year-old Logan during their morning stroll. (image of the incident included)

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