Tears of Joy: A Heartwarming Reunion Between a Disabled Dog and Her Soldier Mom

This is the tale of Buddy, a 13-year-old pup who absolutely loved her best friend Hannah Falk and had been by her side since forever. However, when Hannah celebrated her 21st birthday, she decided to join the army and was sent off to complete her training in Oklahoma.

Hannah felt heartbroken as she bid farewell to her beloved retriever Buddy and her horse Derby before leaving for her three-month trip. However, upon returning home for the holidays, she was filled with anticipation to reunite with Buddy. Despite Buddy’s old age, being mostly deaf and arthritic, Hannah was overcome with emotion when she finally saw her again. Buddy, who has been a part of Hannah’s life since she was just a pup, greeted her with a warmth that made it seem like they had been apart for ages.

This story highlights just how incredibly loyal dogs can be, showing that they may even surpass some humans in their loyalty. Check out the video to see for yourself.

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